Saturday 6 June 2015

Seal Team 6 are now invisible warriors in a global manhunt machine

A New York Times investigation published today unveiled the inner-workings of Seal Team 6, the elite naval force best known for capturing Osama Bin Laden and until those events, the most secretive unit of the US military.
The tale charts how the mythologized unit, which began as a small group reserved for rare missions, morphed into what the Times called a “global manhunting machine” filled with invisible fighters that outsiders never knew about—or could hold accountable.
The story is significant not just because of the new, gory details it unveils about excessive killing and civilian deaths, but because it exposes yet another thing the US government does not want its citizens to know about. The unit carried out America’s dirtiest work around the world, showcasing what happens when elected lawmakers avert their gaze in an attempt to secure plausible deniability on the grandest scale.

“This is an area where Congress notoriously…


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